Jesus Vision

What Heaven Is and What Heaven Isn’t: What Jesus Says About Heaven | Jesus Vision

What comes to mind when you hear the word “heaven”? How many of our current perceptions of heaven are supported by the Bible?

While many of us have a basic idea of the eternal afterlife, we need to stay grounded in Jesus’ teachings about it to live in light of it. Join Pastor J.B. Lim as he helps debunk misconceptions that we might have about heaven, so we can prepare for it the way Jesus wants us to.

Rise Up from Rejection | Jesus Vision

In all shapes and sizes, rejection is a part of each of our lives. How do we stay standing in the face of such sorrow?

Digging into Scripture, we find that no one faced more rejection than Jesus did, and yet no one handled rejection better than Jesus did. Join Pastor J.B. Lim as he highlights moments of rejection during Jesus’ life on earth, adapting Jesus’ responses and actions into practical tools and tips for us to use today.

Matchless Beauty: Unveiling Jesus’ Transfiguration | Jesus Vision

How can we best understand Jesus’ beauty in the story of His transfiguration? What vision does Jesus want us to adopt when approaching and studying this iconic Bible passage?

Join Pastor J.B. Lim as he takes a closer look at the transfiguration story to unveil the true nature of His majesty that invites us to respond not only with passion and excitement, but with genuine, truthful worship.